
Friday, December 2, 2011

It has been a busy day at the Edberg household.  Started off with the alarm going off at 7:00 a.m. (Why so late you ask? Because he refused to fall asleep till 10:15 pm).  Winter still sound asleep in his bed cuddled up with his froggy, mommy snuck out to work for a couple hours taking car of a dear sweet couple who need some extra help.

Returned home around noon. Daddy left for work. Applied for 5 jobs (takes much longer than this short sentence implies.)

Lamented at the fact that couldn't go to this AMAZING event hosted by my church, Hillside Community Church, and A Beautiful Rescue, a non-profit organization started by a dear friend of mine to raise awareness and eventually a home for rescue for women in Minnesota who are victims of sex/human trafficking (a surprising and very real tragedy of life.)!/events/280873481953228/

Was invited to eat dinner with another friend and her three kids who also couldn't attend said event because of lack of childcare.  So, I scrambled to find something to bring to share.  Ended up making these delicious peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies:

Shared a lovely meal with my friend and her kids.  Highlights:  holding beautiful 5 month old baby boy for very long time :)

And Winter and Jada pretending they were on a "date to the library" while sitting and eating their tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwhiches.

I wish I had someone to "take me on a date to the library." He he he.

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